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The Nursery and Cry Room are upstairs in Room 201 & 202. Both rooms are equipped with Closed Circuit TV, so you may still participate in the worship service.  Please ask an usher to direct you to either of these rooms or for other assistance.
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Children ages 2 – 3rd grade are invited to exit the sanctuary prior to the sermon, if desired.  Children remaining in the service may pick up a “Sermon Notes” sheet from the Information Center to help them stay engaged during the worship service. 
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Sunday School is held from 11:00 am-Noon.
Following the Worship service, kids will head upstairs to Room 211 with Stephanie for a time of music before settling in for their age-based classes.  Children will return to Room 211 for parent pick up at noon.
Upcoming events
Albert Ayash - Exenta | LinkedIn
Children’s Ministry Coordinator – Stephanie Horstman
All children & youth staff/volunteers have background checks and required clearances.