Missions - Rodgers Baptist Church
Outreach in Our Community
Good News Club - Child Evangelism Fellowship
Good News Club with Emily Brittain School
Our Good News Club program is open to 1st – 5th graders from
Emily Brittain Elementary School.  Church volunteers meet the kids
at the school where they have a school-provided meal together.  Afterward,
the leaders and students walk to Westminster Church.  A trained teacher
and volunteers present a Bible lesson along with songs, scripture memory verses,
games, crafts, and other activities focused on the lesson’s theme.  All volunteers
have clearances.  In order to participate, children must have a signed Permission Form.
For more information, contact the Good News Club Leader Ginger Harbison (724-822-8939).
New Session Starting Soon!
October 9-November 13, 2024
3:30 – 5:30 pm